Apura Yoga is offering a 200 hr Yoga Alliance Certified yoga teacher training in Julyu 2021. Online Registration is now open.
Here is what a yoga teacher training course can offer you
Whether you are a beginner with your yoga practice or someone who has put in the hours on your mat, learning more about yoga and how it influences your life is always a good thing. Our 200 hr Yoga Alliance certified Yoga teacher training will help you to expand and flourish in your yoga practice. We all need time to grow and reflect to become the people who we want to be in the world. By beginning or continuing your yoga education, it will help you to have a better understanding of yourself and how to be of the best use to the world around you.
If you enjoy practicing yoga and you feel like what you are doing on the mat is just the tip of the iceberg, than this course is for you. If you are a complete beginner and have no understanding of yoga but would like to have a well rounded and holistic approach to yoga than this course is also for you. In our 200 hr Yoga Alliance certified Yoga teacher training course we will give you all the tools and information that you need to become a better yoga practitioner. You will also learn how to teach yoga classes, and to convey the meaning of yoga to others.
Why you should enroll in our 200hr Yoga Teacher Training
Apura yoga offers a comprehensive look at all of the systems of yoga from the 8 branches of yoga, to the inner workings of the body and mind. We have over 25 years of combined yoga experience and practice as well as more than 10 years and over 1500 hours of teaching experience to offer. Our 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training is also held up to the highest standard of qualification because we are a Yoga Alliance certified school and our program is accredited through them. Upon completion of the 200 hour course you will be able to certify yourself as a yoga teacher through the Yoga Alliance and begin teaching in studios, ashrams, and gyms throughout the world.
If you love to be around other like minded people and give the gift of love, personal development and spiritual insight, or if you would like to deepen your own journey, than our 200 hour Teacher Training is right for you. We offer the course on a monthly basis in Stuttgart and in Munich which allows you to become a yoga teacher without having to travel to far away destinations that cost more money and takes more time to finish.
How Long does the Course Last?
Our 200hr Yoga Teacher training is laid out over a 10 month period. For one weekend each month we will meet in Stuttgart to connect with each other. We will work through our yoga practice, study asanas and sutras, to teach each other to gain the necessary experience to become good yoga teachers. The curriculum is designed in a way to systematically go through all of the structure that you would normally get in a 3 week yoga teacher training course, but it is broken down into parts that make sense for each weekend.
The weekend course option is the best plan if you are looking for a yoga teacher training in your area without taking too much time out of your life to become a certified yoga teacher. It also allows for you to have the comfort of returning home on the weekend to your own space instead of living in a dormitory or ashram. You can also study at your own pace which gives you the ability to immerse yourself deeper into the content of the course.
What does the 200 hr Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga Teacher Training Course Cover?
Topics for the teacher training include
Anatomy and Physiology
- A complete overview of the anatomical structure of the body including all directions of movement
- A look at all of the organs in the body and how yoga affects them
- An understanding of the subtle body and nervous system and what asanas can do to calm them down
- Exploring patterns of movement and balances/ dis-balances in alignment in sitting, standing, walking, and in asana practice
- Understanding the peculiarities and different needs of students bodies in yoga practice.
- Alignment and correction in yoga asanas and various modifications for people with difficulties
- Common ailments and things to be aware of in a yoga practice
- Prevention of injuries
- Yoga as a therapy
Yoga Philosophy
- What is yoga? Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodha (Patanjali). Overview over the major schools of thought and most important texts
- The history of Yoga and how the understanding of yoga changed over the course of time.
- The 8 fold path of yoga (Yamas, Niyamas, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Samyama, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi)
- Karma and how to embrace it in your life
- The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali one of the foremost and authentic teachings on what yoga is
- The Hatha Yoga Pradipika another very important text in yoga philosophy
- Understanding the subtle body and chakras and how they can be incorporated in asana, pranayama and meditation
- The 4 different paths of yoga (Jana, Karma, Bhakti, Raja)
- Types of modern yoga practices
- Bhagavad Gita its understanding and meaning
- Independent research on a yoga philosophy book of your choice
Teaching Methodology
- Discovering yourself as a yoga teacher
- How to create a proper class environment
- Correction and guidance techniques for students through demonstration and observation
- Becoming a source of motivation for others
- Understanding the psychology of your students and yourself
- How to correctly and confidently communicate as a yoga teacher
- Understanding and working with the principles of Vinyasa Krama
- Sequencing and planning yoga classes
- Learning how to create workshops
- Adjusting yoga for people with disabilities, the elderly, pregnancy and post-partum
- Yoga for common pathologies and illnesses
- Practicum at the end of the course
- Complete alignment, overview, and structure of all standing and seated asana poses
- Understanding twists and how they affect the organs in the body
- Forward Bends and Back Bends what to look out for, and contra-indications
- In depth look at Surya Namaskar (sun salutation) A, B, and C
- Drishti and Bandhas and how to incorporate them into a yoga practice
- How and when to modify asanas
- Creating a sustainable yoga practice for yourself and your students
- Sanskrit names of the asanas and their meanings
- Understanding the principles of working with the breath and the different muscle groups involved
- Using the breath to connect to calm down the nervous system
- Breathing fully and consciously
- Practicing pranayama exercises such as Viloma, Nadi Shodhana, Kapalabhati, Bhramari, and alternate nostril breathing
- Using yogic cleansing methods to achieve better breathing
- Learn to meditate
- Understanding the 4 foundations of mindfulness and how to incorporate it into your daily life and yoga practice
- Using different methods and steps in meditatioin
- How to teach meditation
- Benefits of meditation practice
- Current research on the effects of meditation on humans
- How to handle difficulties on the meditation path
- Counter indications for certain meditation practices
- Samadi meditation and Dzogchen
- Yoga Nidra, sleep and dream mediation
Lifestyle and Ethics
- Understanding the student/ teacher relationship
- Becoming a yogic practioner by adopting ethical values in tune with yoga and the Yoga Alliance standards
Yoga as a Business
- Understanding the legal, financial, and other requirements to be a successful yoga teacher.
- Common mistakes as a yoga school or teacher and how to avoid them
The cost of our 200 hr Yoga Teacher Training is 2599 Euros for the whole course. We offer an early bird discount of 100 Euros off if you book before February 15th 2021. Secure your spot with a 500 Euro deposit upon registration and pay the rest up to 2 months before the course begins. We also offer monthly payment plans of 219 Euros upon request.
Bring a friend discount…Save 250 Euros off course price!
Our 200 hour Yoga teacher training takes place in the well established yoga studio called Namaste India in Böblingen, close to the Stuttgart city center (15 minutes by U-Bahn). It is conveniently located and can be easily reached by bus, car and train (U-Bahn). The address is: Sindelfingerstraße 3 71032 Böblingen
Our 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training will begin in July 2021 and run every month on the following dates.
24-25.07.2021 13-14.11.2021
21-22.08.2021 04-05.12.2021
11-12.09.2021 08-09.01.2022
Our course and curriculum is registered and certified with the Yoga Alliance. After the completion of our program you will be able to register with the Yoga Alliance as a 200 hr. RYT and begin teaching yoga throughout the world as a yoga teacher
For More information about this program or if you would like to reserve your space you can contact us by email or by phone
0049 17699997790
Yvonne and Donovan