Business Yoga and Meditation- Apura Yoga

To survive and grow successfully on the market, companies and enterprises face the need to constantly change and react to global economic conditions. This constant change influences peoples’ health and well-being because work environments are faster paced. Perceived insecurity within the company rises and very often workload increases.

For employees and managers it is vital to face such developments with calm mind and a healthy body to be able to achieve their fullest potential. This is where Apura Yoga comes into play. We bring yoga and meditation where people need it the most. It is easy to calm your mind during the holiday season, but maybe more challenging to do so in a stressful meeting. We help executives and employees to be more aware in day to day interaction.

Your emloyees and managers are doing just great? They are happy, productive people, the crème de la crème of the market? Congratulations! Maybe you want to give something back and offer a fun outdoor excursion with yoga and surf… find more information here

Benefits of yoga and meditation for Businesses and Enterprises:
– Healthier and happier employees and managers are
– less absent due to illness
– more productive
– better motivated
– better team players
– more understanding and clear in communication
– identify more with their employer
– more capable of concentrating and focusing
– more stress resistant

We provide a program specially tailored to suit the needs of your company, its executives and employees. Seminars and trainings for stress reduction and coping with change processes for executives and /or employees as well as workshops for teams and in-house yoga and meditation courses are available.


Calm the mind! Overcoming stress and anxiety with yoga and meditation.

Target group: executives and employees
Content: What is stress? How do we perceive stress? How can perceived stress levels be reduced?
We provide tools for people to maneuver through stressful situations more relaxed. Through awareness training individual stress factors can be identified and coped with more effectively.
Set up: 1-2 Day seminar, 1 week retreat, ½ day workshop or a workshop in combination with a 10 weeks course held at your facilities.
Investment: On request

Embrace the change!
Incorporating Yoga and Meditation to facilitate processes of change for managers and employees

Target group: executives and employees and teams that are affected by change processes
Content: Perceiving change as the only true constant in life:
Finding stability and ground within the change.
What is change? How do we perceive change?
How can strength, endurance and energy be increased?
How can perceived stress be reduced?
Cutting through negative thinking and re-acting and establishing a more positive attitude towards the change.
Set up: 1-2 Day seminar, 1 week retreat or ½ day workshop, according to your needs
Investment: On request

Find joy!
Corporate Teambuilding – Teamcoachings

Target group: Small teams of managers or employees
Content: Corporate Team Building – Apura Yoga Surf programs have been developed to cater for the needs of each corporation and can be tailored for personal achievement, team bonding or team competitions, using a Surfing and Water Lifesaving theme
Set up: 3-5 days
Investment: On request

Personal Coaching
Awareness Training – meditation for leaders – Work-Life-Balance

Target group: Leaders and other human beings
Content: Stop you inner dialog! Awareness-Training and meditation help, finding clarity and focus on the important issues. Discover inner stillness and gain personal strength, clarity and self-confidence.
Investment: On request